Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oops Eeps

Oops Eeps. I totally forgot to blog yesterday. But I was swamped. The night before, I worked until midnight on a grant proposal and then ended up only getting 3 hours of sleep, with Maiya waking us up having peed in her sleep and having to change sheets at 6:30 am. I was off yesterday, made pancakes in the morning, had lunch with Auntie Keiko who was playing and watching TV with Maiya, and spent the whole day "trying" to study for a test and write a paper for my class and doing 3 loads of laundry. Maiya peed on the floor about 4 times yesterday, each time being about 6 inches away from the potty. Argh. And, I almost forgot to take my grant proposal to fedex yesterday-I remembered about 4pm, ran over to the dropoff, went to the market and came back at 5pm to finish my paper at 6pm, and ran over to class at 6:30 pm. Anyways, got home from class at 9:30 last night, put Maiya to sleep and fell asleep myself by 10pm. So, oops eeps. Can you tell I'm cranky this morning?

So we'll make this NaBloPoMo#14 for yesterday, and I'll do another tonight for #15.


yam said...

oy vey, i'm tired out just reading about your day. i won't say anything about missing a day. you're excused!

Anonymous said...

yikes, i hate days like those. sad how grant writers always know where and when they can mail things to get the absolute latest fedex pickup or postmark.

poor maiya, pee mistakes are a bummer.