Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reflecting on September

Hey folks - September flew by. We spent just about every evening with Tony's dad in the hospital again for almost 2 weeks, and it seemed like we got home after 10pm every night. Been swamped at work with an audit, and busy weekend activities. I spoke on a Nikkei in Cuba panel at JANM early in the month. I continued to work out at the gym twice a week, until I hurt my neck and spent an entire day in bed. I also managed to see two GREAT shows Kristina's "WONG Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" closing 10/5, and Dan Kwong's "Be Like Water" closing 10/12, both by artists I've been friends with for many years. And I quickly got addicted (yes!) to Facebook.

Maiya had a few "firsts" in September including moving from the Sunshine Room to the Rainbow Room at preschool, starting Odori Japanese dance class, Jr. Blastronauts at the Y (photo below), and first sleepover date (first night away from Mommy & Daddy ever) with her cousins. Here's some of the September pix off our camera.
At a downtown park with Lauren & Lindsey
At Amani's 4th Bday with Amani & Leela
Daddy's moving furniture again. I'm helping.
Fieldtrip to Kidspace Museum
New kids sports/exercise class at the Y with Daddy

So, September has come to a close. Happy Rosh Hashanah! To the new year and to good health. After seeing SICKO, you can't ever take your health for granted.


Janet said...

What a great month! By the way, we're very excited about the book exchange, and we've found a great book for Maiya. And, we're coming to LA in November, so maybe we'll even get to meet! Also, I'm going to search for you on Facebook. I'm definitely NOT addicted, but I do play on there occasionally-

Jenni said...

Hi Janet - that's great! We haven't received any books, I wasn't sure if G was going to participate :) I think I met your girls at Kieth's bday party years ago when they were crawling or barely walking--i remember toddlers in matching dresses.