Happy New Year 1/1/09Ai yah. Well, I have missed not only New Year's, but Chinese New Year too. We finally moved on January 18th. Things have been even more
hectic stressful than usual, doing home improvement on two houses (still), including renovating the kitchen in the new house. All that plus Tony's dad in the hospital for 2 weeks in January, in a "skilled nursing care" rehab facility for 4 days, and then back in the hospital again since Maiya's birthday on February 1.
Can't hardly believe this girl is 4 years old. She sometimes acts like she is 10, but then again she also sometimes acts like she is 2. Well, the girl is my heart, as I've said before. We had a little manju party at her preschool (pictures to follow once I find our card reader), but she spent her birthday at Ikea (and including 15 errands--that was in and out of the car literally 15 times that day). We hope to do a party in the next few weeks once things have settled down.
Last two weeks we had the electricians and the cable, phone & internet installed. This week we had painters in the house and baseboards put in. Yesterday I spent the afternoon trying to figure out our finances, then Maiya & I went to visit Mike, Laura and the kids. Today, Maiya went to the boat show with her Auntie Gayle and her cousins, while Tony worked on the old house. Meantime, I cleaned cabinets, lined shelves and unpacked the master bathroom all day, organized Tony's dad's bills and medical files, and went with Tony to the hospital, while doing 4 loads of laundry at Uncle Bill's house tonight.
Still to unpack: about 24 boxes of books, about 30+ boxes of kitchen stuff, and about 20-30 boxes that are unmarked or marked "junkies" or "misc." which is a little bit daunting. Ok, that's it for now. I don't know if you'll see much of me around these parts (blogspot), but if you need an update, come to FB. Happy (Chinese) New Year of the Ox. As I said, more photos to come. When I can get to them.