Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dear Barack (#15)

President-Elect Obama (now that has a nice ring to it) is hard at work getting this country back on track, but he’s counting on input from all of us. I just signed a congratulations card to Barack Obama from MomsRising - Breadmakers and Breadwinners.

I also wrote in to share my vision for where President-Elect Obama should lead the country. Here's a note and the photo that I sent to Barack Obama tonight. It's not real eloquent, but it is from the heart and from the top of my head.

Dear Barack Obama:

Congratulations! Continue with the ideas that together we can help to change social policies for families. End the War in Iraq and find ways to help save the planet. Continue to listen to women and families. It's not just the middle class, but low-income families in our cities and rural areas around the country that need a change, to survive and thrive. Also, I'm sure you know about Prop. 8. in California. We need your help to repeal Prop.8 for marriage equality. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family in your new job!


Now here's your chance to give your input, from the bottom up:

Coming Soon on NaBloPoMo #16-#30: Joy's Red Egg & Ginger party and HomeWalk 5K for Homeless from earlier today. Still on the back blogger: Zoe & Rockett's Bday, Kyle's Bday, Granny Franny & Zeyde Don's visit... and more.

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